Joining points to make slab

how can i joining the points together to get rectangular panels not triangular ones

Maybe try a bounding box?

Are all the points actually planar? You could behold the convex hull of the points and make a surface from that. Or try a Surface.ByUnion node and make a surface from that, or iterate the topology and union those. Or merge into a PolySurface and take the perimeter curves from that… lots of options here, but they all require that your points are actually planar - there is a near zero chance this is actually true for real data sets, as this type of triangulation is typically introduced when the points become non-planar, or when doing imports of non-native geometry.

what do you mean “in planner” actually the slab coming in (superelevation) with skewed edges so the connecting of the points in this way give a wrong slope.

Is there a way to make a single plane which touches all the points? If not you’ll have to keep the triangulation in the model, or move to a method which freezes the geometry (and may still be triangulated).

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so when the points are not in the same plane the connection between them be in the triangulation shape ?
also I tried to take the edges of the slab and make model in place according to the path but the slopes does not uniform is that for the same reason?

Correct on both points. Floors in Revit cannot have curved surfaces.

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so what is the solution in this case

What is your intent?

actually its a deck slab for bridge

Ok, and you want what in the end? Does it matter if the resulting element isn’t an editable floor, or do you need the components of the assembly and the content as if it were natively authored?

If the former, look into creating a nurbs surface from the base curves (not the current geometry), and moving that into the model as Directshape, family, or other items.

If the later, look into pulling your slab’s points to be co-planar (which may break portions of your slope), or rebuild the slab as a slab with a slope arrow instead of editing the points.

Both of these can be assisted via Dynamo.

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okay …… thank you so much for your valuable instructions

Try Floor by face.