Join solids in Revit API

Hi community,

I want to join solids with the revit API

I dont know which method is the right one. JoinGeometry?
It should work out as the solid.ByUnion in Dynamo nodes, but with the revit API, I dont want to use the solid.ByUnion cause the conversions and to use Dynamo nodes consume a lot of time (I tried out already and the code get really slow)

thanks in advance

Hi @igpema
JoinGeometry expects Revit elements, not geometries.

yes Mostafa, I got this error in python, but is there a way to join solids with the revit API?

Not really sure I understand what you want to do. Join geometries in Dynamo? Or in Revit?

hi Mostafa,

i want to join solids in Dynamo with the revit API and not with the Dynamo Nodes solid.ByUnion. The solids are for a clash detection. If there is not a method for that in the API, i will find other way :slight_smile:

thanks in advance


Does this move you on at all?



yes thanks Mark, i try out tomorrow, it should work out actually :slight_smile: