Is there any way to import stp to rfa by using Dynamo?

I am in very basic person in dynamo. We are having a stp file that should be imported in revit environment. Currently there is no direct option to import the stp to rfa. Is it possible to convert by using Dynamo script? if Yes, can we get the script?

@sivaprasad.dhanaseka ,

in generial i avoid to contaminate your project. there are 2 options

  1. create a container von “CAD” files and link it.
  2. import to a familiytemplate like generic model

these are your file options



Yes. You’d have to build an STP importer with generally speaking isn’t an easy task. There is a Python package for reading STP geometry from STEPTools that could give you a head start, but you’d then have to convert each geometry to a Dynamo or Revit equivalent. Generally speaking this would be very difficult and time consuming.

As an alternative I recommend another tool for bulk conversion - Inventor, AutoCAD, Fusion, etc., then bulk import the resulting output.