Is there a way to switch nest family types(options) in a host furniture family using Dynamo?

hello every one

Is there a way to switch nest family types(options) in a host furniture family using Dynamo?
For example, in a series of office desks, there are two family types—one with drawers and one without drawers. I want to read from Excel using Dynamo, create these two family types, and set the drawers part as nest family. The nest family includes two types: with drawers and without drawers.

Anyone any ideas. Thank you.

We would need more information on how your families and excel data are setup, but the first step is always to figure out how you’d do it “manually” through the Revit UI. Then (in most cases) you just automate that same process through Dynamo.

If your problem doesnt lie with getting the data from excel then this will solve the part where you can set the nested family type.

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