Is there a limit on the length of a Revit Spline?

Been trying to automatically renumber piles in Revit using a Dynamo script to number the piles that are intersected by a Spline. Been drawing in the Spline and for some reason it is in 3 sections, (I’ve not clicked out of the command by mistake), I’ve tried it 3 times and I’m beginning to wonder if there is a limit to the number of segments that a Spline is made up from? I’ve tried to import a line in from AutoCad but it wouldn’t let me explode it because it had more than 10,000 segments.

Is there a way to join Spline together as Revit is unable to do so?

Or Alternatively can the Dynamo script be altered to restart numbering from the last pile number?

Pile-Auto-Number-with-Spline.dyn (14.4 KB)

This is the Dynamo script I’ve been using

I know that if you click at the same location two times while drawing the spline, revit tends to split it as it probably doesn’t like the impossible angle,

That might be the reason!

Discovered that I can do smaller sections of Splines and adjust the starting number of the script from the last pile!

It all a learning process for me at the moment

To resolve this you can always create the spline from the first and last point, and then add new points along the path until you get to where you need to be. Remember you don’t have to have a point on every spine just enough to ensure the geometry crosses every pile.