Hello everyone… i am just beginner using dynamo and revit… i have question to solve my stuck problem…
Is that possible to put two rotation parameter (ex : XY and ZX) in one point reference to make a profile/family then rotate them based on two plane (XY and ZX) ?
The aim is to make the profile/family move vertical and horizontal along the route nicely.
The illustration on image below :
I’m so appreciate for your answer and knowledge that will have shared to me. Thanks in advance
Thanks for your answer Sir.
I have seen and try to analysis your profile (like in image below), but I’m still confuse how to create two rotation parameter in same point when make a profile?
Would you to elaborate how to make them sir? thank you
is the principle like this ?
- create a reference point as an adaptive point
- create another reference point to make profile in XY plane of adaptive point
- create another one reference point to make profile in XZ plane of adaptive point
- …
my confuse is, how to match two point as an reference while making a profile that can move in XY and XZ plane together?
Sorry for my broken english. I hope you can understand what I’ve noted. Thanks in advance
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First create adaptive point for the xyz coorrdinate
second select XY plane of adapptive famiy and insert referanse point. here we defined xy plane angle
then select vertical plane of the “XY referance point” (not adaptive point) and add another refrrance point "XZ point " host by “XY referance point”
the idea is each reference point host by latest referans point by change the rotation plane.
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to calculate these angeles you can use the node to get the coordinae system
from Brimohareb_XX pak.
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Ohyaaa… it works!! i did’nt think of that before… Thanks for your answer Sir
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Yeahh i have an issue to measure the angle in dynamo too (i have measured the angle of coordinate system X axis from my point reference and X axis in global along the route using angle about two axis but the result is 0 so there is no rotation and also there is a problem that i have to solve)…
I will upload that issue in another conversation so other people can read and get knowledge differently…
I’am soo appreciate if you would help me again, thank you