Is Python 3 in dynamo use GPU or CPU?

Hi chuongpqvn
thank you for your help :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:

i think i have problem to setup cudatoolkit and cudnn into dynamo
for that i tray to read the package from anaconda Env as shown in the below link

  • in Jupyter it work with Tensorflow-gpu=2.3.3 and 2.5.2 with cudatoolkit=11.3.1 asn cudnn=8.2.1(in Tensorflow-gpu=2.8.0 Jupyter not work)
    I setup cudatoolkit and cudnn by using (“conda install cudatoolkit 11.3.1”,"conda install cudnn=8.2.1
  • in dynmao the GPU can only appear if i use Tensorflow-gpu=2.3.3

but still can not used it (i think because I cant setup cudatoolkit and cudnn into dynamo).
when i read read the package from anaconda Env also the same problem

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