Is my curve a straght line or an arc?


I need Dynamo to determine if a line is a straight line or an arc. The reason for this is that if the curve is a straight line, I need only to extract the start and end point, but if the curve is an arc, I want to extract either the arc center, radius and start/end points, or to divide the arc into, for instance, ten points along that arc.

I am aware that I could just divide all curves into a number of points, but this would result in way too many points in my final list of points.

Any help would be appreciated!

Best regards


Use the Line.Direction node as bool mask. If it fails, its an Arc. Using the bool mask generate a count of points, i.e. true = 3 else = 2. Then create points along curve using this result.


LineOrArc.dyn (5.4 KB)


@Thomas_Mahon, doesn’t the Line.Direction node expect the input to be a line though? I’m seeing that it will not accept curves as the input unless there’s an intermediate step that works for this example?