Is "loop while" the solution to my problem?


I m doing my final internship before being graduated and i got stuck with Dynamo.

Here is my problem. The personalized node “test1” (which is working) makes a comparison between a parameter of a room and a column of 7 schedules. In that way, it allows to get the legend updated to the building elements for each sheet.

It takes 2 inputs as you can see :

  • View
  • Schedules

In my revit Template, i would like to use this script for the 50 views and 350 schedules (7 schedules / sheet).
The syntax of the other inputs i want to involve is : A1, A2, …, A10, B1, B2, …, B10, C1, C2, …, C10, D1, D2, …, D10, E1, E2, …, E10.

I do not know how to do it ? Use the loop while function, use a python node ?

Thank you for advance !

Maybe making the lists of elements you want to compare, ensure matching depths, and then setting your node to longest lacing would work? Hard to tell exactly what you’re stuck with as all the meat is in your custom node.

If it’s multiple sheets, each with the 7 schedules, then you should be able to input a list of all views with the node set to Cross-Product.

To be clearer, what i would like is that :

I don t want to copy and path the script and change manually the syntax. As I said, the the other inputs i want to involve is : A1, A2, …, A10, B1, B2, …, B10, C1, C2, …, C10, D1, D2, …, D10, E1, E2, …, E10.

The 2 inputs are related if i want a result ! In my node, i used :

  • “Element by view” and “Element.GetParameterValueByName” after the input view.
  • “bimorph.GetScheduleDataColumns” after the input of the 7 schedules.
    Then i made a comparison of the paramter by using ==.

I hope you understand my question now :sweat:

I think we’re close but when the input view is set on “A1” the list of schedules must be :
A1 - Dalles”;
A1 - Eléments”;
A1 - Escaliers”;
A1 - Fondations”;
A1 - Murs”;
A1 - Poteaux”;
A1 - Poutres” otherwhise my script doesn’ t work.

The other iterations are “Ai” with
"Ai - Dalles";
Ai - Eléments”;
Ai - Escaliers”;
Ai - Fondations”;
Ai - Murs”;
Ai - Poteaux”;
Ai - Poutres” for i = 1…50.

I triied but it failed.

Here it is :!AiuwkhN7dWHrjDvPWWI-aq4-j9os (I can’t upload attachment as i am a new users)

I had some problems with dynamo when i wanted to load the package. So i drag the .dyf file directly to re use it. This is the original script as you can see !