I want to get center line of the surface.
if the surface like this,
the pink lines are what I want.
Is it possible?
I don’k know what I have to do.
I need your help!!!
thank you.
I want to get center line of the surface.
if the surface like this,
the pink lines are what I want.
Is it possible?
I don’k know what I have to do.
I need your help!!!
thank you.
Are those lines in Revit?
You mean the black lines?
The black lines are in revit. (the pinks are not.)
@minji I think @Daniel_Hurtubise means: are those lines or are they elements?
To me it looks like a foundation plan, with beams/foundations elements. If so: getting the center line of those beams should be a breeze.
oh I’ve misunderstood. thank you.
I combined several walls(geometry) using Solid.ByUnion node.
Those are 9 walls.
I wanted to get the central lines of the walls.
So I combined the solids because of there different thickness and possible overlap.