Hi, I created dynamo for generate cogo points from the intersection of a polyline to an alignment.
It works for small Alignments.
For long Alignments by warning to set large scale. I set scale to large but it doesn’t generate any points.
I do not understand why.
For Civil 3D it’s a recommendation to keep geometry scaling to medium even if it generates a warning.
The varning is actually because of large coordinates but you don’t need to have that in mind. In Sweden we get this messages all the time
The big reason to stay with medium geometry scaling and not set it to large is because of in large mode the geometry will be created incorrect.
Search for geometry scaling in the forum and you will find more information about it.
ok thanks,
the problem is that when the warning appeared on the scale the dynamo did not generate points. I ran it a second time and it worked XD
Well , the point is that you don’t need to take action on that warning. Just keep the geometry scaling to medium.
Then I should suggest you to use the same thread as you started from the beginning. It so much easier to help you then instead of reading four or five of them.