Internal error setting parameter

Hello lovely Forum Users,

I ran into this unfortune error: “internal error, please report: Dereferencing of a non-pointer” atleast i believe this is the correct translation.

I checked if every room has the to be written parameter “Fliesen Sockel Länge”, this is indeed the case.
Also there are no duplicates in the room list.
Both list are the same lenght. There are no nulls.

The script works in pretty much identical projects. There may be differences in the model tho.There has to be. I just have no idea where to look.

Any ideas?

Thank you fellow human :slight_smile:

“Dereferencing a non-pointer” typically means you have a null, empty list, or similarly “void” object somewhere. We can’t really do much else to help you without see your full dataset. What is the parameter you’re trying to write to? Does it take doubles? Are all of your rooms placed?

All of the rooms are placed. The parameter takes doubles.

Maybe the values are to specific/long for double? I will try to round them a bit.

Edit: Translating Screenshot:

Dicipline: General
Typ : Length
grouped under: general

Parameter Name: “Fliesen Sockel Länge” = tile baseboard length

Please make sure you’re translating everything as the official language of the forum is English (this is to ensure searching is consistent and works properly).

EDIT: What’s the passthrough being used for? Are you creating anything earlier in the graph?

If all the rooms are place and the parameter accepts doubles (Revit will round internally where necessary) then something else seems to be going on. Can you upload an example file that has this issue?

Im setting the same parameter to 0 before im setting it to a new value here. This is to avoid wrong values from a new calcualtion

Hmm. The rvt file is to big to upload. I will cut it down.

If you can cut it down to only a small number of rooms that still error that would be best. We want as little as possible in your file that could be causing problems.

Also make sure any selections or inputs are already made so all we have to do is execute the graph. If there are any other external resources required, make sure they’re included as well.

I have done so now, but atleast with only the basefloor the error does not occur. So this must be reletated to a room in a specific floor. I will look into this myself tomorrow. Sadly running out of time at this point.

Thank You for your time.

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Crazy thought: are any rooms in a group or design option?

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There are neither groups nore design options in the project.So that wasnt the culprit.

But i found the bad boy rooms. Or better said a part value that couldnt be matched with a room ealier in the script. Leading to a kind of butterfly effect.

The cause is higly connected to the script logic.Basically the script searches for baseboard tiles for every wall and connects that to a room. Here a value for a wall was added to 2 rooms and it lead to this. Why exactly i dont understand. I have implemented an error warning for this earlier in the script.

Thank you for your time.

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