Internal error: Dereferencing a non-pointer

Hello everyone,

When working on this particular .dyn I am getting an internal warning of dereferencing a non-pointer. I after going through it many times I am unable to find a problem with this script. The thing is after writing this script I am getting all null value from this particular code block instead of value. Any help on the same would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

It’s a bit hard to tell without knowing all the inputs coming out of the node before, but I’d make sure there are no nulls being fed in initially. Often this is a cause for a code block returning nulls, even if it works internally as a code block itself.

I’d also copy the code block contents in one step at a time if this isn’t the problem, then you can at least determine which step of the process leads to null outcomes.

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Hey Gavin,
Thanks for such quick reply. You are correct I have some null concrete deck profiles. What’s your thought on this possible generation?

When I changing the number of stations and position of station, where ever I place them first one and last deck profiles are returning null. Increasing or decreasing bridge length is of no use.

It’s probably something in the way the custom node itself is set up by the sounds of it. You could potentially work with start/end points separately and remove the first/last items from the node output to work around this quirk.

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Thanks Gavin for the replies, I used spring nodes for the same and it worked like magic. Regarding first and last node I am still working on them.


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