I am currently inserting multiple drafting views into this one master Revit model; however as you already know, I can do it one by one… there are about hundreds of views that I need to put and it’s just too inconvenient.
I tried to google to see if I could come up with a dynamo script where I can select all the drafting view files in one folder location and eventually inserting them into my Revit model.
I was able to find those nodes from Rhythm but my difficulty is getting Drafting views from the list of rvt models that I have @ folder location. I found some python codes and tried to manipulate on my own but due to my amateur coding skill, it was no good… Is there any package that has ‘get drafting view from location’ type of node?
Thank you for showing me a different way of solving this issue!
However, I’m getting an error from DynamoDocumnetToDbDocument node.
Not sure why I’m getting these miscelleneous errors here and there. Only at those moments that it should work perfectly but somehow don’t…
I apologize for making a duplicate post!!
Thank you very much for your help so far. Those errors got solved by playing around with lacing.
Everything is good to go except this node where it’s throwing an error. I checked all the lacings and made sure everything is correct but not sure why this is being thrown. thank you very very much for your time!
OK can you show your graph with all nodes expended…another thing when ypu transfer from many files you had to be sure they all have unique names…any way think its some lacing