I was searching in the forum, but I haven’t found what I need.
I have a comparison, and depend of this, It will be inserted to the main list [{{“aa”},{“bb”},{“cc”},{“dd”},{“ee”}}] one sublist or another [{“parameter1”,1,2,3},{“parameter2”,11,22,33}…].
I tried to use the node “Insert” with the levels and the lacing. If I run it with the shortest way, the final list doesn’t have the last elements. If I run it with the longest way, the final list has the last elements, but with the sublists that they don’t have to have.
What version of Dynamo are you working with? Several of the node names don’t match and one doesn’t resolve at all (List.Replace).
I’m not entirely sure what you’re trying to accomplish to be perfectly honest… Which list do you want to insert where? Based on what condition?
Could you provide a concrete example of what you want your final list to look like?
This should have you covered!
I’d upload the .dyn but you wouldn’t be able to open it… So you’ll have to just replicate this, but shouldn’t be a problem I think