Now i practice some in Dynamo. But i can not make something it.
How do i add this point between list?
Not with AdditemToEnd.
Is there any component AddItembetween?? or another Tip??
Now i practice some in Dynamo. But i can not make something it.
How do i add this point between list?
Not with AdditemToEnd.
Is there any component AddItembetween?? or another Tip??
Hi @seol.kim welcome to the community!
you can recreate the list according to your need.
to add an item in between the list try with an index value and add the item.
You can use List.Insert node. As element take the point you want to add and as index 4.
Thanks for your answer
And i actually need more exercise to use this tool.
Thanks for your solution. I solved my problem. Perfect!!
Now i am a little bit better than before.