Hi. I have some 3D drawings and I need to add them to specific coordinates in a dynamo civil 3d routine. Would that be possible? How can I do it?
Yes, what you ask for is a common task. Please try the search function and you will find several post about insert block reference using Dynamo.
I also recommend you to read this thread
One of the main goals of the Dynamo community is to help others. One way to do that is by answering your questions. But to get the right answer, you’ll first have to ask your question in the right way. Although people are generally very helpful, there are things you can do to improve your chances of getting good and quick answers. Below you will find some suggestions on how to achieve that. Do not think of these suggestions as rules and especially do not take them as a guarantee of getting an an…
and check the Dynamo primer https://primer2.dynamobim.org/
Amigo @mateusc94 buenas. it is posibly you can insert solids or blocks as you wish or even better a block with a solid in it, that is up to you, come take a look to the basics of autocad.
Amigos The mos interesting and usefull of the basics (in my opinion) is to be able to instert Blocks instances, this is included in Dynamo autocad, there are 2 ways to doit, the most simple is when the Blocks exist already in the file!
[Block Insert Local]
Block Insert Local.dwg (473.5 KB)
Block Insert Local.dyn (28.5 KB)
i agree with patrick, check diferent post about the topics and take a look to dynamo primer also, i hope this helps you!!
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