i get this error while trying to create a boundry for my floor don’t know why but im sure its nothing about coordinates… just considiring is it because of the style of curves but not sure…
here is the ss
i get this error while trying to create a boundry for my floor don’t know why but im sure its nothing about coordinates… just considiring is it because of the style of curves but not sure…
here is the ss
Hi, if this is one floor you want to create you can try inserting a Flatten node right after your Element.Geometry node and then into Polycurves.ByJoinedCurves.
Like @jostein_olsen said, you’re not creating a closed polycurve. If you look at your Element.Geometry node, you have 8 curves being converted to 8 polycurves (which essentially isn’t doing anything). You need to flatten your curve geometry so that you convert all 8 curves to a single polycurve. Then you won’t need to close your curve because it’s already closed.
thx alot and could you tell me what kind of list creation method do i have to use to create a [select from UI, do it while"expression", stack it ] loop to select multiple elements until i hit enter or space i guess…
maybe pyhon code will help…
i found a node that exatly does what i meant… but now i need to solve how to create a trim code…
code must trim the model line parameters (only in selection list) like selected a line then another that starts from its end then antoher that startys from its mid point and i have to end the line cutted in mid point so both the lines connect from the last ones start point