Hi everyone,
I know there are a few posts about this issue already but no solution has worked for me. This is an issue I have previously faced in the past and was able to navigate around but it keeps popping up in my work and I would really appreciate to have it resolved. Here is what is happening:
I am using Dynamo to cast rays (aka lines) in an environment imported from Revit. I want to calculate what percentage of rays intersect one particular group of solid (let’s call them “Target Elements”) BUT I only want to count rays whose first intersection from the start point is an intersection with my target elements.
To do this, I have the following reasoning:
Use “DoesIntersect” to filter by a bool mask all rays that intersect my target elements (I call them my “intersected rays”). Then, I want to get the intersect of these intersected rays with all objects in my environment, extract the first intersected point, and confirm whether this point intersects my target elements.
The issue comes in when I use the “Intersect” node – see below. From prior work I have one on this topic, I am pretty sure that the issue comes from intersects being too small to be properly computed by that node. In the past, I have fixed this by manually removing the items that were causing the issue in my list of rays, but this approach does not scale well and I am wondering if there was a more straightforward approach.