Import Excel Data

I am getting an error while importing the excel into dynamo.

Kindly help me

Hello first of all,
here is a possibility assuming that all your imports are of the same level


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How is the structure of your excel?
Sugguest you to import X, Y, Z respectively from excel

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It looks like the issue is that your Excel data is a list of strings (i.e., text) that happen to be formatted to look exactly like a Dynamo point. So you either need to import the coordinates of the points like @newshunhk suggested and then create Dynamo points using Point.ByCoordinates, or do something like @christian.stan nicely showed to extract the coordinates from the text and then create the points from those numbers. Either way, you’ll need to do some string manipulation on the Excel side or the Dynamo side.

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thank you so much all of you.

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