Import a whole Excel workbook

All the excel import nodes seem to require sheet names.

Is it possible to just import the entire workbook?

I’d like all the tabs, not just one.

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What have you tried so far? I’d take a look at the python the node uses and see if you find any options there. You can always look up the Excel API and see if there’s a way to either return all workbook data or to parse the existing worksheets one by one. There may even be a node already that can tell you all the worksheets in a file.

EDIT: A quick search shows that Sparrow and Data-Shapes both have nodes for getting worksheet names from a given file.

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I was working on something like this today.
It is possible in the Excel Api.

In this case I need all the data of all the worksheets.
I need all the rows from the first, after that I need the second row to the last row.

Over here a C# example:

// Lees het Excel-bestand
                    var excelApp = new Application();

                    // Open het Excel-bestand
                    Workbook workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(first_excel);

                    // Het eerste werkblad gebruiken
                    Worksheet firstSheet = workbook.Worksheets[1];

                    // StringBuilder voor elke rij
                    StringBuilder resultBuilder = new StringBuilder();

                    string firstName = firstSheet.Name;
                    int startIndex = 1;

                    foreach (Worksheet ws in workbook.Sheets)
                        string wsName = ws.Name.ToLower();

                       // Krijg het gebruikt bereik in het werkblad
                            var usedRange = ws.UsedRange;

                            if (ws.Name != firstName)
                                startIndex = 2;

                          for (int i = startIndex; i <= usedRange.Rows.Count; i++)
                              string result = ConvertWorksheetToString(ws, i);



Release object:

static void ReleaseComObject(object obj)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Fout bij het vrijgeven van COM-object: {ex.Message}");
                obj = null;


static string ConvertWorksheetToString(Worksheet worksheet, int rowIndex)
            // StringBuilder wordt gebruikt om efficiënt strings op te bouwen
            var resultBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // Krijg het gebruikt bereik in het werkblad
            var usedRange = worksheet.UsedRange;

            // Voeg kolomkoppen toe aan de resultaten
            for (int col = 1; col <= usedRange.Columns.Count; col++)

                string cleanedValue = null;
                    string cellValue = usedRange.Cells[rowIndex, col].Value2.ToString();

                    // Controleer of de celwaarde null of leeg is, en trim eventuele voorloopse en volgroepruimte
                    cleanedValue = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cellValue)) ? cellValue.ToString().Trim() : "-";

                    cleanedValue = "-";


            // Converteer de StringBuilder naar een string en retourneer deze
            return resultBuilder.ToString();

I’d recommend looking into the source code form the OpenXML nodes, as the worksheets can be exposed that way as well.

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