
I have a png / jpeg and I’m using the image.ReadFromFile node and Image.Pixels to ‘paint’ a surface in Dynamo…

I’d like this in Revit so I used the Colour.FromDynamoColour… but it’s killing my computer (I’m going to have to hard stop it :frowning: )

Any suggestions how I can translate the image onto a surface in Revit without doing it like this? Seems kinda silly to bring the image into Dynamo then push it out to Revit.

@Alien ,

i had a similar topic years ago, i tried matching greyscales as a value to familyinstance heights, i cant find it



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An interesting way to approach this is to explore the geometry of colour and closest point. Feed RGB into XYZ and put your limited colours in as a point set. Nearest point will typically be nearest colour.

I use this often to process LIDAR colour/height data in Grasshopper:


I’m mapping a picture to a sphere in Dynamo.

Sounds like you want a material, not an image…

Nah, it’s for a silly fun project… I’m trying to make Christmas tree baubles .
They display in Dynamo but I’m wondering how to make it display in Revit.


If Dynamo wasn’t part of the process, how would you generate the object in Revit?

I’m wondering if I could just get Dynamo to give me the data to push to Revit without making it in Dynamo… Not sure that makes much sense now I’ve typed it out.

Basically Dynamo is making a pretty picture in Dynamo… I’m thinking making the pretty picture is intensive , if it just gave me the data without creating the pretty picture maybe it’d be less intense on the CPU?

Might be doable, but you’d need to understand how the content would be built in Revit natively. If you just want to save an image, you might be able to pick up some processing speed by shifting to another means of processing (ie: parse the content in a zero touch node).

1 point adaptive component, this is the way.

Care to elaborate?

If you want to place a family in revit as the bauble, you can use the Adaptive Component by point/family type node. If you make a 1 point adaptive component from the hanging point, then build it to receive a material (colour) and radius value you could visualize the baubles without needing to geometrically show them in Dynamo.

I’m trying to map a picture, not a single colour.

Ah… yeah Revit really isn’t the platform for these types of things generally. A platform like Unreal, Rhino etc. with real UV mapping capabilities would eat this for breakfast.

I know, but as I just said to a friend who just asked why I wasn’t using Blender, where’s the challenge in that :smiley: :rofl:

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Sounds like image mapping on a surface… so materials…

More info please :slight_smile:

Revit only offers this method. Generally spheres will have 2 sides that don’t coordinate for wrapping around… it’s fun…

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Aaaah… gotcha. It’s been a very, very long time since I did that.
I recall it was not fun :rofl:

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