IFC RevitLinkInstance: collect data from IFC "Elements"?

Like the title says, is there any way to collect data from a linked IFC file?
Preferably with my beloved Element.GetParameterValueByName, to extract quantities, IFCName, stuff like that?

As always, thx in advance, all you clever(er) heads.

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Halløjsa Tue :wink:

something here maybe…

How about youself ;)…vi ses S

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I found that when you have a separate empty Revit file and import the IFC in there, a Shared Parameter file is created too.
In your Project you can add these Parameters as Project Parameters and because the UniqueID of the parameters match with the linked IFC file you can do all kinds of stuff including Element coloring by Filter and scheduling


Yeps, thats the way i normally do it as well :wink:


Thx, all of you.
@sovitek 's solution is basically grabbing the parameters as-they-were-in-Revit. Definitely to be tested, much more in the line of my thoughts. Shared parameters, i get it, but for @Marcel_Rijsmus: if i want to get standard quantity parameters like length, area, volume…-i don’t see them there? Bear with me, i need to test this thoroughly first. And i understand that this issue might be the way Revit reads IFC-specific parameters.

Keep me posted :slight_smile:

Revit ONLY reads IFC-specific parameters

Keep me posted

Yeah, as i feared, standard quantity parameters are “lost” in the IFC export-import. Same situation when tab-selecting an element in Revit, so no surprise.

Possibility to extract solids from the LinkElement.GetGeometry node, so there might be a workaround to Volume there.

Hej Tue…

try with element.solid or bimorp link solid…

PS or try play around with your export setting, depends where it comes from i think:)

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@sovitek , you’re so right. Sorry, but it was an amateur BIM Manager that made the export :grinning:

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avesome :wink: probably other than the bimmanager should do the export in the future :wink: :wink: best if they only do / talk about standards etc :wink: :wink: