Identify cable trays which are running in tier's

I am automating the hanger placement for cable trays, and i am successful in single trays. but when there is tier wise cable trays (one above other), hangers getting added for that as well. which i dont requited for above top cable trays.
for that i need to find which cable trays are running vertically-Tier wise, so i can exclude those top trays. how i can approach that. anybody have any idea?

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I had quite a few ideas how you could work out if cable trays are above each other, you could get the geometry min point, scale that in the z direction and check for intersection. I think this will work best as it localises the intersection to just above the geometry. Watch out for vertical cable trays.

Alternatively you could use linear algebra - a bit more complex but doable, however this is not localised as the object z plane will find any other aligned element (other levels, not overlapping etc.). Iā€™m not 100% certain on my overlapping test either

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Hi Mike, I really Appreciate your inputs. It really workable.
now i am able to filter out Cable trays which at upper layer.
Thank you so much.