I’ll give the source code here
import clr
import sys
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure import *
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
import Revit
from Revit.Elements import *
import System
from System.Collections.Generic import List,IList
from DSCore.List import Flatten
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import *
# Inputs
surface = IN[0]
sideOffsetDistance = IN[1]
topOffsetDistance = IN[2]
bottomOffsetDistance = IN[3]
offsetFromFace = IN[4]
rebarType = UnwrapElement(IN[5])
selectedElement = UnwrapElement(IN[6])
rebarHookType = UnwrapElement(IN[7])
# Hardcode Values
dummyOffsetDistance = 0
u = 0.5;
v = u;
# Extracting Edge curves from surface
tempList = [Surface.PerimeterCurves(edge) for edge in surface]
edgePerimeterCurves = Flatten(tempList)
firstEdgeCurve = edgePerimeterCurves[0]
secondEdgeCurve = edgePerimeterCurves[1]
thirdEdgeCurve = edgePerimeterCurves[2]
fourthEdgeCurve = edgePerimeterCurves[3]
# Get Start and End Points of the Curve
def getCurvePoint(curve, key) :
if isinstance(curve, Curve) and key == "sp" :
return curve.StartPoint
elif isinstance(curve, Curve) and key == "ep" :
return curve.EndPoint
else :
return None
startPointFirstEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(firstEdgeCurve, "sp")
endPointFirstEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(firstEdgeCurve, "ep")
startPointSecondEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(secondEdgeCurve, "sp")
endPointSecondEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(secondEdgeCurve, "ep")
startPointThirdEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(thirdEdgeCurve, "sp")
endPointThirdEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(thirdEdgeCurve, "ep")
startPointForthEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(fourthEdgeCurve, "sp")
endPointForthEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(fourthEdgeCurve, "ep")
# Offset Point Getting algorithm
def offsetPoint(startPoint, endPoint, offset) :
x1 = startPoint.X
y1 = startPoint.Y
z1 = startPoint.Z
x2 = endPoint.X
y2 = endPoint.Y
z2 = endPoint.Z
# Direction Vector
dx = (x2 - x1)
dy = (y2 - y1)
dz = (z2 - z1)
# Magnitude
magnitudeOfDirectionVector = (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) ** 0.5
# Normalized Direction Vector
ndx = dx/magnitudeOfDirectionVector
ndy = dy/magnitudeOfDirectionVector
ndz = dz/magnitudeOfDirectionVector
# Scalling the normal to the Side Offset Distance
sx = offset * ndx
sy = offset * ndy
sz = offset * ndz
# Point at the given distance on the first edge
return Point.ByCoordinates(x1 + sx, y1 + sy, z1 + sz)
# Finding Cover Offset Points
edgeOneOffsetPointOne = offsetPoint(startPointFirstEdgeCurve, endPointFirstEdgeCurve, sideOffsetDistance)
edgeOneOffsetPointTwo = offsetPoint(endPointFirstEdgeCurve, startPointFirstEdgeCurve, sideOffsetDistance)
edgeTwoOffsetPointOne = offsetPoint(startPointSecondEdgeCurve, endPointSecondEdgeCurve, topOffsetDistance)
edgeTwoOffsetPointTwo = offsetPoint(endPointSecondEdgeCurve, startPointSecondEdgeCurve, topOffsetDistance)
edgeThreeOffsetPointOne = offsetPoint(endPointThirdEdgeCurve, startPointThirdEdgeCurve, sideOffsetDistance)
edgeThreeOffsetPointTwo = offsetPoint(startPointThirdEdgeCurve, endPointThirdEdgeCurve, sideOffsetDistance)
edgeFourOffsetPointOne = offsetPoint(endPointForthEdgeCurve, startPointForthEdgeCurve, topOffsetDistance)
edgeFourOffsetPointTwo = offsetPoint(startPointForthEdgeCurve, endPointForthEdgeCurve, topOffsetDistance)
# Exact Cover Offset Points
boundingPointOne = offsetPoint(edgeOneOffsetPointOne, edgeThreeOffsetPointOne, topOffsetDistance)
boundingPointTwo = offsetPoint(edgeOneOffsetPointTwo, edgeThreeOffsetPointTwo, topOffsetDistance)
boundingPointThree = offsetPoint(edgeThreeOffsetPointTwo, edgeOneOffsetPointTwo, bottomOffsetDistance)
boundingPointFour = offsetPoint(edgeThreeOffsetPointOne, edgeOneOffsetPointOne, bottomOffsetDistance)
# Rectangular Bounding Box Creation
boundingBox = Rectangle.ByCornerPoints(boundingPointOne, boundingPointTwo, boundingPointThree, boundingPointFour)
# Translating the Bounding box to placement location
# try :
rectangleCurveOffset = Curve.Offset(boundingBox, dummyOffsetDistance)
geometryOne = Geometry.Explode(rectangleCurveOffset)
surfaceNormal = Surface.NormalAtParameter(surface[0], u, v)
surfaceNormalReversed = Vector.Reverse(surfaceNormal)
surfaceNormalReversedPoint = surfaceNormalReversed.AsPoint()
surfaceNormalRecersedXYZ = XYZ(surfaceNormalReversedPoint.X, surfaceNormalReversedPoint.Y, surfaceNormalReversedPoint.Z)
translatedGeometryRebarCurve = Geometry.Translate(geometryOne[0], surfaceNormal, -offsetFromFace)
translatedGeometryRebarCurveIList = List[Curve]()
""" On the above line it requires curve but it says i provided line. """
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
try :
rebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurves(doc, RebarStyle.Standard, rebarType, rebarHookType, rebarHookType, selectedElement, surfaceNormalRecersedXYZ, translatedGeometryRebarCurveIList, RebarHookOrientation.Right, RebarHookOrientation.Right, True, True[Dynamo File](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Cv2bj49DfR9l3NgR9m0LIgbZRb71YYD/view?usp=drive_link))
""" translatedGeometryRebarCurveIList : I am also getting exception here on the above line """
except Exception as ex:
dialog = TaskDialog("Header")
dialog.MainInstruction = "Exception In CreateFromCurves"
dialog.MainContent = ex.ToString()
dialog.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Close;
dialog.DefaultButton = TaskDialogResult.Close;
OUT = geometryOne # Nevermind the OUT
I attached the dynamo file with this post. My problem is I want to create Rebar from curves with the the values i have but it shows exceptions. But it is fine working on Design Script. Let me know if I made any error or help me solve this problem.
PointOffset.dyn (71.0 KB)