I need to use Rebar.CreateFromCurves method in Python but I am getting some errors. I dont know how to resolve. It will be helpful if somebody give some suggestion

I’ll give the source code here

import clr

import sys

import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure import *

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *

import Revit
from Revit.Elements import *


import System 
from System.Collections.Generic import List,IList

from DSCore.List import Flatten

import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.UI import *


# Inputs

surface = IN[0]
sideOffsetDistance = IN[1]
topOffsetDistance = IN[2]
bottomOffsetDistance = IN[3]
offsetFromFace = IN[4]
rebarType = UnwrapElement(IN[5])
selectedElement = UnwrapElement(IN[6])
rebarHookType = UnwrapElement(IN[7])

# Hardcode Values

dummyOffsetDistance = 0
u = 0.5;
v = u;

# Extracting Edge curves from surface

tempList = [Surface.PerimeterCurves(edge) for edge in surface]

edgePerimeterCurves = Flatten(tempList)

firstEdgeCurve = edgePerimeterCurves[0]
secondEdgeCurve = edgePerimeterCurves[1]
thirdEdgeCurve = edgePerimeterCurves[2]
fourthEdgeCurve = edgePerimeterCurves[3] 

# Get Start and End Points of the Curve

def getCurvePoint(curve, key) :
    if isinstance(curve, Curve) and key == "sp" :
        return curve.StartPoint
    elif isinstance(curve, Curve) and key == "ep" :
        return curve.EndPoint
    else :
        return None
startPointFirstEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(firstEdgeCurve, "sp")
endPointFirstEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(firstEdgeCurve, "ep")

startPointSecondEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(secondEdgeCurve, "sp")
endPointSecondEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(secondEdgeCurve, "ep")

startPointThirdEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(thirdEdgeCurve, "sp")
endPointThirdEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(thirdEdgeCurve, "ep")

startPointForthEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(fourthEdgeCurve, "sp")
endPointForthEdgeCurve = getCurvePoint(fourthEdgeCurve, "ep")

# Offset Point Getting algorithm

def offsetPoint(startPoint, endPoint, offset) :
    x1 = startPoint.X
    y1 = startPoint.Y
    z1 = startPoint.Z  
    x2 = endPoint.X
    y2 = endPoint.Y
    z2 = endPoint.Z
	# Direction Vector

    dx = (x2 - x1)
    dy = (y2 - y1)
    dz = (z2 - z1)

	# Magnitude

    magnitudeOfDirectionVector = (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) ** 0.5

	# Normalized Direction Vector

    ndx = dx/magnitudeOfDirectionVector
    ndy = dy/magnitudeOfDirectionVector
    ndz = dz/magnitudeOfDirectionVector

	# Scalling the normal to the Side Offset Distance

    sx = offset * ndx
    sy = offset * ndy
    sz = offset * ndz

	# Point at the given distance on the first edge

    return Point.ByCoordinates(x1 + sx, y1 + sy, z1 + sz)

# Finding Cover Offset Points

edgeOneOffsetPointOne = offsetPoint(startPointFirstEdgeCurve, endPointFirstEdgeCurve, sideOffsetDistance)
edgeOneOffsetPointTwo = offsetPoint(endPointFirstEdgeCurve, startPointFirstEdgeCurve, sideOffsetDistance) 

edgeTwoOffsetPointOne = offsetPoint(startPointSecondEdgeCurve, endPointSecondEdgeCurve, topOffsetDistance)
edgeTwoOffsetPointTwo = offsetPoint(endPointSecondEdgeCurve, startPointSecondEdgeCurve, topOffsetDistance)

edgeThreeOffsetPointOne = offsetPoint(endPointThirdEdgeCurve, startPointThirdEdgeCurve, sideOffsetDistance)

edgeThreeOffsetPointTwo = offsetPoint(startPointThirdEdgeCurve, endPointThirdEdgeCurve, sideOffsetDistance)

edgeFourOffsetPointOne = offsetPoint(endPointForthEdgeCurve, startPointForthEdgeCurve, topOffsetDistance)
edgeFourOffsetPointTwo = offsetPoint(startPointForthEdgeCurve, endPointForthEdgeCurve, topOffsetDistance)

# Exact Cover Offset Points

boundingPointOne =  offsetPoint(edgeOneOffsetPointOne, edgeThreeOffsetPointOne, topOffsetDistance)

boundingPointTwo = offsetPoint(edgeOneOffsetPointTwo, edgeThreeOffsetPointTwo, topOffsetDistance)

boundingPointThree = offsetPoint(edgeThreeOffsetPointTwo, edgeOneOffsetPointTwo, bottomOffsetDistance)

boundingPointFour = offsetPoint(edgeThreeOffsetPointOne, edgeOneOffsetPointOne, bottomOffsetDistance)

# Rectangular Bounding Box Creation

boundingBox = Rectangle.ByCornerPoints(boundingPointOne, boundingPointTwo, boundingPointThree, boundingPointFour)

# Translating the Bounding box to placement location

# try :
rectangleCurveOffset = Curve.Offset(boundingBox, dummyOffsetDistance)
geometryOne = Geometry.Explode(rectangleCurveOffset)

surfaceNormal = Surface.NormalAtParameter(surface[0], u, v)
surfaceNormalReversed = Vector.Reverse(surfaceNormal)
surfaceNormalReversedPoint = surfaceNormalReversed.AsPoint()
surfaceNormalRecersedXYZ = XYZ(surfaceNormalReversedPoint.X, surfaceNormalReversedPoint.Y, surfaceNormalReversedPoint.Z)

translatedGeometryRebarCurve = Geometry.Translate(geometryOne[0], surfaceNormal, -offsetFromFace)

translatedGeometryRebarCurveIList = List[Curve]()


""" On the above line it requires curve but it says i provided line. """
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument 


try :
	rebar = Rebar.CreateFromCurves(doc, RebarStyle.Standard, rebarType, rebarHookType, rebarHookType, selectedElement, surfaceNormalRecersedXYZ, translatedGeometryRebarCurveIList, RebarHookOrientation.Right, RebarHookOrientation.Right, True, True[Dynamo File](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Cv2bj49DfR9l3NgR9m0LIgbZRb71YYD/view?usp=drive_link))  

""" translatedGeometryRebarCurveIList :  I am also getting exception here on the above line """
except Exception as ex:
	dialog = TaskDialog("Header")
	dialog.MainInstruction = "Exception In CreateFromCurves"
	dialog.MainContent = ex.ToString()

	dialog.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Close;
	dialog.DefaultButton = TaskDialogResult.Close;



OUT = geometryOne # Nevermind the OUT

I attached the dynamo file with this post. My problem is I want to create Rebar from curves with the the values i have but it shows exceptions. But it is fine working on Design Script. Let me know if I made any error or help me solve this problem.

PointOffset.dyn (71.0 KB)

I suggest you start here.

Thanks for your advice pyXam, I’ll do that. But that code was not written by GPT. I converted the design scripts as python code. Chat GPT is not aware of Revit API to the larger extent. If it is that much brilliant, There will be no need for me to ask here. I got this issue while converting Design script to python. I also attached my dynamo file. Thanks for answering.

Sorry, i was having a bad morning and the dyn. Is not attached, i assumed otherwise.

Can you please re attached the dyn file so we can have a look.