Arraying structural framing along a curtain wall that changes vertically and horizontally.
What’s your question? What have you tried so far? Where are you having issues? People aren’t going to just do your work for you. You need to show some effort and provide some specifics about what you’re dealing with and where you’re having trouble.
It sounds like you would array your objects along the wall, get intersection points/distances and then adjust the individual elements.
Hey Nick,
Thank you for replying in fact it was a rough one.
No, I am not here for someone to do the work for me, my problem if it’s visible for you, the wall isn’t a regular shape so I can take the path and array it.
I need just the starting point to search for this method.
How can I create a script that controls the horizontal elements with a variable equation stating that if the surface gets nearby X mm decrease/ increase by X amount.
That all depends on how those objects are built. How would you do it manually in Revit? That’s the same process you would follow in Dynamo, just with the ability to script the changes en masse. We don’t have enough information about the specifics of your situation to provide anything beyond a general order of operations.
Again, it seems like you would place the assembly along the footing/pad/whatever that is and then adjust the horizontal elements to match the wall location. You would likely do this with an intersection of those elements and a calculated offset.
I guess there is a way to do it rather than do it manually it’s a wall of 2KM!! length
Anyways I will check with our STR team I guess they might have a better solution than this one.
I’m not saying Dynamo isn’t a good option. I’m saying Dynamo doesn’t determine how the Revit side should function. You have to be capable of a “manual” solution in order to automate one. @christian.stan’s reply shows you what I mean by determining individual “lengths” of the elements, but those elements still need a way to adjust length in order to fit. How does all of that work from a Revit standpoint? Are these individual members that can adjust length? Is it a family that can be adjusted with parameters?
These replies which I was expecting to see.
Amazing man!
If you wanna see men with amazing minds check out the link
There are plenty of others here (Mr. Nick and a plethora of…) women too for that matter.
Me, I’m more to be put in the Class (for humor as I try to understand API Revit) of the needy
But thank you for the compliment.
Mr. Nick, do you have an idea of ​​the why of the bounding box?
who frames
the tangents of the Nurbcurve interfere?
thanks in advance
The points which define the surface sometimes get pulled into the extents of the geometry; it’s not consistent in terms of when/how, but it usually keeps things pretty close to the original shape. In some cases it’s better to take the two nurbs curves defining the surface, or isolines on the surface and get the BB from those.