How to verify if it is a list or not.?

Good morning.
How could I identify if the objects within my list are lists or objects…
thank you.

A different kind of list I think…

Hope that helps,


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The lists bring revit elements… why does it behave like this… the UnwrapElement… why does it cause problems… more details please, thank you…

Correct. Unwrapping returns a different kind of list. You don’t need to unwrap in order to check lists. You would check the structure first and then return an unwrapped item or list.

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Dynamo Objects have a wrapper around them which adds functionality and translates data (into a form which Revit understands)… That includes Lines, Families and Lists.

Unwrapping a ‘list’ turns it into a ‘List’ with its underlying functionality exposed.

For a Family it can be more efficient to use the Revit methods than translating them through the Dynamo wrapper, it can also allow use of methods which are not available in Dynamo.

Hope that helps,
