Hello everyone, i’m struggling with this list-logic, can anyone help me solve this problem. Thanks a lot .
P/s: i dont want to flat the list because it will change the nature of the problem.
Is this what you are looking for?
If so you should set your List.Sublists-Node to Auto instead of Longest (||/)
do you use python?
list = IN[0]
output = []
for i in IN[0]:
temp3 = []
for j in i:
temp2 = []
for k in range(len(j)-1):
temp = j[k:k+2]
OUT = output
someone would do in a better way? I am always bad in declaring variables and python structure
Thank you for your apply , but it’s not what i need, because it’s different between the structure of 2 list, please see this image below
Thank a lot , i haven’t use python before, but i’ll give it a try. Is it flexible for all case (more list in each level ) ?
cool, it’s exactly what i’m looking for