How to know if a Revit family document is a Shared Family with Dynamo without open the file and look properties panel

How to know if a Revit family document is a Shared Family with Dynamo without open the file and look properties panel. I know how to get the file information like revit version, date modified, file size but is possible to query more in deep what is in the family document .rfa?

Hi Ruben…for family is shared something here maybe…

thanks what package is this? I thought it is clockwork but I do not see it my Dynamo version

arhh sorry …Collect families is from clockwork, family properties is from Genius Loci

I would like to get the family as document but not the family already loaded in the project, and yes this is getting the information that I was asking in the family

allright if i understand its a family content you will check on ? not loaded into project in thate case the only option is BG open i guess or use birdtool multiplayer and write these things to a excel

yes, so if needed to open in the background how to make this work is the question then

here is a fast exemple…here with rhyttm BG open you could made it so it export these information out to excel in these runs as well, but probably better with birdtool and then export to excel in these runs… if you have many families you will run on…

I understand your result is about nested families in that family document but not the family document itself. I think this thing in Revit API goes in the direction: OwnerFamily Property

Thats great dont know what your mean, but could you show your solution ??? how you get the parameter is shared with BG open the family??

But just for info that parameter belong to the family itself thats why, try do it manuelly in a family document then you can see what i mean…

I think that node of family document from document is new, does not exist from Revit 2019 and later I believe. I use python to try to resolve this question as I do not find the way to achieve it with nodes

I recommend doing it with the active family document and bulk processing with Bird Tools Multiplayer instead of fighting background opening. It’s easier and more stable.


totally agree :wink: thats best

@RubenVivancos probably you are right cant remember when it comes guees it was 2020…but you actuelly dont need that for get Shared parameter from the family, becoarse it isnt a family document parameter, but belong to the family