Thanks to ‘Aussie BIM Guru’ Gavin Crump for this…
@GavinCrump’s videos are always good.
Sure is a shame there isn’t any process set up for sharing packages that would allow this to be more streamlined and integrated…
Haha I’m sure erfajo has his reasons. I seem to recall it partially stemmed from some limitations the manager put on the way the package could be set up, as well as shielding his nodes from imitators that wouldn’t maintain them.
Thanks for sharing @Mark.Ackerley!
Hope it helps others access this great package (and ask me how a bit less often haha).
hi @erfajo, why so serious and upset ?
Hi Jean
I think we can all be whoever we want to be… Serious, not serious, everything is fine As long as we are all kind to each other
So I prefer to keep the discussion technical…
I hope you you have a wonderful weekend!
@Mark.Ackerley thanks man. You too.