I am fairly new to dynamo and only know the bare basics.
How do I make a wet grid roof like the image below:

The link of the image is here : https://revitstructureblog.wordpress.com/2016/03/08/revit-space-trusses-using-autocad-and-dynamo/
Thank you. What steps and exactly what nodes would I need to make it?
Start creating a «mastersurface» in Revit or Dynamo. Then try dipping into isolines or maybe the Lunchbox package for different paneling nodes.
can’t find the vasari post from way back by @Zach_Kron , but i remember seeing exactly this.
it should be somewhere in the buildz blogs
@Edmundarc Here is one way …
gridRoof.dyn (14.2 KB) (ver 1.3.2)