I add 2 properties (as key)
and LengthColumn
I think you will need it
import clr
import sys
import System
# Add references
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
import Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry as DS
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import Autodesk.Revit.DB as DB
# Add references to 'RevitNodes' and 'RevitServices' for Revit-specific functionality
import Revit
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
def get_DatasColumns_from_CAD(importinstance, lst_layerName=[]):
datas = [] # Initialize an empty list to store data
# Define vectors for X-axis and Z-axis
vect_X = DS.Vector.XAxis()
vect_axis = DS.Vector.ZAxis()
# Create an Options object for importing geometry
opt = Options()
# Get the geometry of the import instance
geoSet = importinstance.get_Geometry(opt)
# Iterate through the geometry set
for geo in geoSet:
if isinstance(geo, GeometryInstance):
for g in geo.GetInstanceGeometry():
if isinstance(g, DB.PolyLine):
# Get the graphics style and name of the current polyline
gStyle = doc.GetElement(g.GraphicsStyleId)
gstyleName = gStyle.GraphicsStyleCategory.Name
# Check if the layer name is in the specified list
if gstyleName in lst_layerName:
# Create a DesignScript polygon from the polyline
ds_polygon = DS.Polygon.ByPoints([p.ToPoint() for p in g.GetCoordinates()])
# Explode the polygon into a list of DesignScript curves
lst_ds_curves = [curve for curve in ds_polygon.Explode() if curve.Length > 0.001]
# sort curves by length
sort_curves = sorted(lst_ds_curves, key=lambda x: x.Length)
# Find the shortest and longest curve in the list
sortest_curve, longest_curve = sort_curves[0], sort_curves[-1]
# Create a DesignScript surface from the perimeter points of the polyline
ds_surface = DS.Surface.ByPerimeterPoints([p.ToPoint() for p in list(g.GetCoordinates())[:3]])
# Calculate the center point of the surface
pt_ds_center = ds_surface.PointAtParameter(0.5, 0.5)
# Get the direction of the longest curve
vector_direction = longest_curve.Direction
# Determine the clockwise factor based on the cross product with the X-axis
factor_clockwise = 1 if vector_direction.Cross(vect_X).Z < 0 else -1
# Calculate the angle from the X-axis
angle_from_BasisX = vector_direction.AngleWithVector(vect_X) * factor_clockwise
# Append the data to the list
"Layer": gstyleName,
"Geometry": ds_polygon,
"Center": pt_ds_center,
"Direction": vector_direction,
"Angle": angle_from_BasisX,
"WidthColumn" : sortest_curve.Length,
"LengthColumn" : longest_curve.Length,
"longest_curve": longest_curve,
return datas
# Unwrap the import instance and layer name list from the Revit input
importinstance = UnwrapElement(IN[0])
lst_layerName = IN[1]
# Call the function and assign the result to the output variable
OUT = get_DatasColumns_from_CAD(importinstance, lst_layerName)