How to filter two list both ture value on list?

you need to put a condition on the mask, search the forum for this particular node, you’ll see tons of example

Try using an And node from Math > Logic

Got Error.

you means search the list.filterbyboolmask?

Feels like that should have worked…

Try this instead - replace the And node with a List.Create node, Wire that into a List.Transpose node so you get ‘pairs’, and then use a List.AllTrue node to return a single boolean for each pair.

The resulting list of booleans becomes the mask for the FilterByBoolMask node.

Should be simple enough with Python.

#Define Function
def Boolean_Evaluation(list1, list2):
        list1 and list2 are True, otherwise False.
	#Error if lists do not match
    if len(list1) != len(list2):
        raise ValueError("Input lists must have equal lengths.")

    # Evaluate items at matching indices
    output = [a and b for a, b in zip(list1, list2)]
    return output
input_list1 = IN[0]
input_list2 = IN[1]

result = Boolean_Evaluation(input_list1, input_list2)
OUT =(result)

Actually I want filter the vertical pipe, boths Ture value shall be in list. Others pipe out of list (added hanger)…Thanks.

Can you show the python in the node and also the list structure that is going into the list part of the Boolean mask?

Set the input on the List.AllTrue node to use @L2 and you should be all set. Sorry for missing that.

HI, I am a beginner, how to set use @L2?

Hi, i am a beginner, how to show python in the node?

Double click on it and then paste in the code that i gave you.

Hit the “>” symbol on the right side of the input.