How to create Grids from AutoCAD file

Greetings ,
hello every one
I want to share with you my experience for : How to create grids lines on revit from already AutoCAD files and export all Axis from AutoCAD " Data Extraction" to Excel file and then import all these data into dynamo to use it for creation revit grids

during my tested out this dynamo script
I faced a problem/error with dynamo node : Line.ByStartPointEndPoint

if any one faced the same problem and have a solution I would apricated any suggestions
please check the attached shots
thanks to all

Use node CurveFromCADLayers (BimorohNodes package) and start from there, you dont need an excel workaround.

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You can take a look at this post and get some inspiration on how to get a solution to your problem.

Hope this helps.

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thanks will check it
of course it would help

thanks will check it
of course it would help

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