Good day there:
Iam trying to add shared parameters into my family, yet, I got some errors in here, First,the node of “ADD Shared Parameter” doen’t have Built-In-Parameter-Group input to feed in, Second, the group type input must be “Group Type” although in older versions used to be “String”
Any Ideas?
one thing you should know, I leterally copied this script from AUSSI BIM GURU cuz Iam still Begginer, It didnt work with me though! HELP! uh so frustrating
Revit has changed on me since I made this video, grouptypes have changed to forgetypeIds.
I have an example script here showing how I manage this workflow now. I no longer use Orchid as well, I use Crumple (my package):
Hi @000853959 here is an alternative i sometimes use…with some crumple nodes and synthezise and open mep[for create in sh par file first]
Unfortunately; I cant find this node,!
Have you installed the Crumple, OpenMEP and Synthesize packages?
That one before Crumple isn’t mine, so assume it’s either in the other 2 packages, is inbuilt for a higher Dynamo or it’s in another package.
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if at add shared parameter i guess its from openmep…
thank you guys for your help! so I’ve traced @sovitek approach, I got Zero warnings, yet, nothing happened to the family Revit file! no shared parameter added, here is the result with my Excel file… any ideas?
Honestly I’d suggest tweaking my script if needed from github as it uses nodes from one package only. You’re using lots of different nodes there and the data structures aren’t visible to us. The example on my github will process that template as intended and should work as long as the shared parameter file is connected.
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yeas as Gavin say its probably best with crumple for all nodes it waas just an alternative…and should work as well, but dont think my excel list structure its the same as Gavins