How good is dynamo for web application integration and how reusable scripts are?

i am new to dynamo and entire visual programming.

i have following 2 questions.

1] Are dynamo scripts reusable; for e.g. you create a nodes model or write script for drawing various shapes like square, circle, star, polygon… and fill them with colours living some calculated space from boundaries. run script with newer parameters every time and get your shapes drawn accurately.

or even nodes model for drawing a 3d cube/rectangle/square/polygon… and reuse it for creating different height,width,colour ones with setting required parameters.

2] How good is the web integration; is it possible to have your revit/dynamo running on cloud and export generated design to web based applications as and when needed.

thanks in advance

1] Extremely - in fact this is how Generative Design works, taking a graph and adjusting the parameters, recording the results, and running a large series of these to find an optimal result.

2] This works well, but you have to build your library of all custom nodes in the web portal to use. Dynamo used to have this as a feature called ‘customized’ but it wasn’t really used and was retired as a result. I believe that the Orkestra portal now offers a similar functionality.

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I think Autodesk is trying to make Dynamo a generalised Visual programming tool. So hopefully in the future you could use it to create webapps.

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thanks for your reply.

at present even if dynamo script generated designs from refinery are exported in some fashion that web app can use it is fine with me.

This might be of interest.