How do I get the Name of a filled region?

Hello, I want to get the name and then rename a filled region, however I am a bit stuck.

First I use a filtered element collector to get all OfClass FilledRegion Type

Filled_Regions_elements = DB.FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(DB.FilledRegionType)

Then I am trying to loop over this list and then get the .Name of all of these, however, I think that perhaps I am getting the type as opposed to the Element? any help to get me on the right track much appreciated!

Can you paste a screen shot of your graph?

@ssw9UZNL use this collector (category instead of class):

Thanks tradelie, once I have isolated down all the filled regions, how do I get the actual type name of the object?

you can filter by name if you want using an If statement with python, or a simple Filter.ByBoolMask in Dynamo.

But it doesnt give me the actual name of the type, I want to return the name of the type itself and then possibly change that name?

check out this:

A simplified code to your request:

import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

import Revit

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

fRegions = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(FilledRegionType).ToElements()
for f in fRegions:
	if Element.Name.__get__(f) == "Vertical":
		f.Name = "Horizontal"
OUT = fRegions
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Thankyou, what I dont understand is what is the ‘Element’ part of the script, why cant I just write

f. Name to retrieve the name)?


It’s currently an inheritance bug (getter) in IronPython (same in Python.Net), there are several workarounds


@ssw9UZNL . Use Element.Parameters Node.
you will get the filled region name :slightly_smiling_face: