How do I convert a Revit.DB element into Dynamo geometry?

He’s passing the Point class, feeding a point directly would take something like Point.ByCoordinates(0,0,0) instead. :slight_smile:


Next question :smiley:

I fed in a window and got stuff…

How do I know what they are?

Like, what’s rmul or repr


  1. Prior experience. We all learn over time.

  2. Common sense. Length of a line is likely how long it is…

  3. Try to get the documentation of that method or property. Not everything will have one, but something like this should get you started: OUT = doc(x.ThingFromInpsectOrDir)

  4. Google. python documentation __repr__ - Google Search

  5. Ask someone else. The forums, a coworker, etc.

There is a whole bunch more. The very end of the list is asking Chat GPT.


1: Not much help right now :stuck_out_tongue:

2: damn!

3: Been checking the API for clues… but… not much

4: :slight_smile: Ty, will check that out.

5: The forums are my goto. No one at work to ask :frowning:

6: GPT… love it… hate it… Not good for Dynamo tho.