hi sir would you help me for writing a script for civil 3D dynamo where i want to draw a line and then divide a line into 1.4m equally spaced and then try to insert block on those points.
and can rotate that line and blocks through script and if needed can attach excel file to that where they can extract block name and insert on that point easily
Hello, try to show your attempts, where you are stuck, to have a better chance of answers, don’t forget the forum search function, many examples may be close to yours
can you tell me what’s wrong with my script for “`hi sir would you help me for writing a script for civil 3D dynamo where i want to draw a line and then divide a line into 1.4m equally spaced and then try to insert block on those points.
and can rotate that line and blocks through script and if needed can attach excel file to that where they can extract block name and insert on that point easily”
can you share the error you’re getting?
the error is this that blocks are only rotating not the line i want to rotate the block with the line
here are picture for understanding
the length of the block(sheetpile) is 1.26m and i want that to insert block (sheetpile) on every 1.26m interval and then can rotate along the line in 360 degree
AND IF NEEDED IN future can call out angle, type of sheet pile from excel to insert block on an angle coordinate and type of sheet from excel to insert on every 1.26 or 1.4m each