I want to creat Sample Line by Station for all Alignemt. For one alignment i created
Hi @alexpromd,
Instead of using the dropdown node for selecting a single Alignment, use one of these nodes to select multiple alignments:
Then just plug the list of Alignments into the AlignmentExtensions.SampleLineByStation node.
or you can select all objects of a type, lol, lots of ways
To use that node, the Sample Line Group has to exist in the drawing already.
If you want some more options for working with Sample Lines and Sample Line Groups, check out the Camber package.
Hi , I am also trying to create the Sample lines from Alignments , I am stuck at this stage , I now have to Create 2 New Lists. List 2 and 3 should be multiplied with list 1 to give no of repetitions, in the image example the new list should have B03-1 repeated 7 times
Sample Lines_1.dyn (53.4 KB)
I did some adjustments and run it on six alignments. Works fine, but I should recommend you to upgrade your camber package to latest version. The screenshot is from your graph, I just added some explanation
Sample Lines_1_Patrick.dyn (1.3 MB)