Hello All,
I am still very new to dynamo and I am trying to use dynamo to select a linked model(Mechanical) and get all mechanical units in the linked model. Then host a disconnect switch to the mechanical equipment in the linked model. Right now I am using LinkElement.Faces node which finds all the surfaces of the mechanical equipment. Is there a way to filter the surfaces so there is only one surface to host to per mechanical unit? Thanks
Generally speaking, there is no Surface identifier for logical disconnect switch placement in Mechanical Equipment, barring something you orchestrate with in-house equipment families. Mechanical equipment families are often sourced from third-party manufacturers with differing levels of family design (some of which are functionally unusable at times).
You could potentially narrow locations by use of the equipment power connectors instead of surfaces, but that again relies on a logically-constructed family.
Are your disconnect families face-based?
Thanks. The disconnect family is face based. I was able to filter surfaces so only vertical surfaces are selected. It seems like i should be able to eliminate all but one surface for each element so only one disconnect will host but can’t figure that part out. Open to any suggestions.