I have encountered an issue when trying to hide sections in the floor plan views, the node View.HideElements it’s not supporting multiple SectionView(Name = zzzz) to be hidden on multiple views, I have investigated this and it seems there are also instances for the Building Section type, I have noticed that these instances have the ID lower with one unit than the SectionView. To get these elements I have made a workaround where I dropped one unit from the ID of the SectionView, you can check this in the image below.
I am wondering if there is a way to get these elements in the red box, without making a difference to get their ID’s, but with dynamo nodes, I have tried many options but I couldn’t figure it out. If anyone has an idea how to achive this please let me know.
As far as I understood, (for example)
you want to delete Section view which has Element ID “347034” and BuildingSection “347033”, and you want to hide only sectionview “347034” since it is not placed.
If I misunderstood, mark which elements you want to hide.
Sorry if wasn’t clear enough, but my problem is not regarding how to hide certain sections, but how to get the elements in the red box. Right now I figured out an workaround because their ID’s are lower with one unit than the SectionViews, but this might not work in any situation so I am looking for a proper way to get these elements.
I hope I’m understanding what you’re trying to achieve:
This is more of a Revit workaround but we have a specific Section Type that we use for sheets and then apply a view template with pre-assigned filters to hide these.
If you want to automate the process then I suggest using Dynamo to catch all the sections not on sheets and assign them to a specific type - then let Revit do the dirty work of hiding with the filters in a view template.
I’m suggesting this method because at some point you may want to unhide a section and that will be as easy as changing the Section Type and not hunting them down in all views.