Grouping CAD lines by distance

I’ve been tring to build a script to create beams from CAD lines. We are almost finished. I want the dynamo to group the parallel lines and assign the related beams. Added some nodes but it didn’t worked properly.
Here’s how i grouped and where i am having error:

KİRİŞ Açılı Group.dyn (80.6 KB)
VAKKO Bodrum1 Statik.dwg (91.4 KB)

Your group geometry by distance has single lines being returned. Surface by loft requires two lines to create the surface.

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So i must use group geometry after surface by loft?

Actually what I responded, may not be correct. I just downloaded and looked at you graph and you have a lot more happening between those two nodes. So it very well could be something else. I don’t have all of the packages loaded to run your script, so unfortunately I can’t troubleshoot any further. Hopefully, someone else can help with the issue.

I have managed to grouped the lines by distance. Script create beams by using all lines not only the ones by grouped by distance. My goal is create different beams after i grouped them by distance.

KİRİŞ Açılı Group.dyn (103.2 KB)
kat1-5 - Kopya.dwg (77.2 KB)

Ok @staylor thank you. Your idea was a start point. It took me one step ahead. Please take a look to last version with the nodes when you have a time.