Getting the length of one edge of a surface

I’m extracting some geometry from a mesh that I imported into Revit.
So far, getting the geometry and making a simple family works well, but I now need to get the length of the bottom edge.
To clarify a little. The attached image shows one of two similar side panel and a third panel will get bend to follow the bottom curve of the side panels. This third, bottom panel will be a rectangular laser cut panel with a fixed width and the length should be equal to the length of the bottom edge of the side panel.
I can’t find a way to get the length of it, does anyone have any ideas on how to do it?

Can you show what you have tried thus far?

Hello Marcel,
So far I haven’t got anything yet resulting in either a number or an error.
I got stuck in the design phase.
I was thinking about getting the perimeter and making a split at the left and right most side of the bottom edge and extracting the length that way, but I just don’t know which nodes to use to make it work.
Another idea was to make it a solid by thickening the surface and getting the surface area of the faces that make up the bottom panel, but same as before, I’m not sure how to only select those faces.
The main issue for me, I think, is selecting the correct curves or faces, so only the ones on the bottom edge

ow, i thought you were working with mesh, can you clarify?

@TVT ,


Just post your progress to understand more the topic.



I started the process by importing a mesh into Revit.
I started off by making a vertical plane that would cut through the mesh. That way I could intersect the mesh by the plane and I would get a polycurve (the perimeter curve).

I then transformed that polycurve into a surface, thickened it to get a solid and finally made a generic model family out of that geometry.
Next step is that I also need to know the length off the bottom edge as shown in the image from my initial post.
In order to get this length I can either start with the initial mesh, make use of the polycurve or the list of curves it consists off, make use of the surface I’ve already created or make use of the solid I’ve already created. Now I’m not sure how to isolate the curves I need. The perimeter polycurve consists of 406 curves in total.
Hopefully this makes it more understandable.

Here’s also an image of the mesh I imported.

Near the curves of the mesh, it consists of a lot of faces, which results in a lot of curves

Can you post the Family?

Unfortunately, since I’m a new user on this forum, it doesn’t allow me to share files.

sending a wetransfer with the file to your own email adres and post the link you receive here

What is the original file format which you imported? Can you post it (or something like it) so the community can try and help you with some kind of context?

Generally if you want to work with curves (which you are showing) a mesh is a bad route to go as you get the segmentation issues which you’re seeing, so since Revit is making it a Mesh Revit is likely not the right tool for the process.

If you can manage to not import to a mesh the process can be achieved in a variety of ways, but everything I know requires you have a good handle no the surface’s initial geometry. One possible method would be along these lines:


The original file format I imported is a dwg file. I believe it is an export from a 3ds max model. I don’t know much about 3ds max, but I could ask if they can export a SAT file and that way I could give your solution a try.

The family I created can be downloaded from this wetranfer:

If that’s the case open the DWG in Civil 3D and utilize Dynamo for Civil 3D for the same. :slight_smile: