Getting even numbers from index

hi guys I’m a new learner of dynamo

i’m having problem to get even numbers from index
I mean…
I want to have the : list of numbers from (get.item.a.tindex_level4)
and then pick odd numbers from the index

so i can get the points of odd numbers

can i do that?

You need to get all of the index numbers first. Then you can filter out the odd ones and use them with GetItemAtIndex. A shortcut would actually be to get the list count (c) for each sublist and then create a sequence from 1 to c by 2, effectively getting you all the odd indices in that sublist.

thank you for your advice NIck
I did what you said and I can’t get the results,


are these lists right for what i need to get?


Your list level isn’t right. You’re getting the count of each object. You need to get the count of each list. Try list level @L2.

Your sequence isn’t quite right either as that node uses an amount instead of an end. Use a codeblock with 1..c..2.

Are you attempting to extract every alternate item?
If you are, you could do that like this
If you need items at even indices, change offset to 1


Hi Vikram
Thank you for your reply
I got the results what I want

Sir, can you help me one more problem?

Here, i want the cubids to be parallel with surface orientation

But it works like this