Get view from level selected

Hi all,

I am trying to get view from level selected but not able to find the result. we have a node called hasview from rhythm and it is giving me true but I want to get the view from the level selected.

Please let me know how to get it ? Please find the below snip for the reference.

Can you be a little more specific what you wanna achieve as a Level can have multiple Views associated with it.

That being said ;).

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hello, have you searched the side of the view settings? Element.Parameters


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Hi @bvs1982 I want to get the views associated with that level. I checked this node Level.Views from clockwork but it is not showing me. Can you please tell me which version of clockwork are you using ?

I am using the version as below snipped

It works for me. Clockwork 2.3.0 and Revit 2021.

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should be in clockworks version 2.4.0 as well

can you please check @sovitek as I am not finding that node in 2.4.

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Yes Shashank…i find it here

I found it thanks but can you check whether you’re also getting the same as snipped below ? @sovitek

seem to work here , try a reinstall could probably help…not sure

I tried to dig into the idea mentioned above

here is

14 juillet forum anglais.dyn (21.9 KB)



Yes Christian…thats basically what clockwork node does :wink: great one

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@christian.stan thank you so much. It worked for me and I really appreciate for this.

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