Get the room of Curtain Walls... Help Please!

Currently I’ve started off with the Room.InsertOfBoundaries node to get the curtain walls that’s hosted in the room bounding walls. However, I soon hit a problem where the curtain wall will be reported twice/multiple times when it is hosted by a long wall that stretches across two or more rooms. This won’t produce an accurate result.

Has anyone got better ideas on how to achieve this task? Thanks in advance.

i think you this script is fine, and the problem is in your curtain in hallway, try delete the curtain and draw it again, will it give you the same result ?

Yes, i’ve tried deleting the curtain wall and redrawing, same results. I’m thinking i need to find the center point of each curtain wall and project them into the rooms to find which room they belong. But I’m not sure which nodes to use to achieve it…

Get the location of the wall (likely a curve), find the point at parameter 0.5, offset it by the thickness of your wall by the walls inverse facing direction (clockwork I think), and then use the Select.GetRoomAtPoint node in Archilab.

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Thank you Jacob! I’ve got most of the steps working. However I’m unable to retrieve the widths of the curtain wall. Maybe there’s other ways to obtains this. Any ideas?

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Element.Type, get the million types from that, then get the thicknesses from that. Or just use the largest million depth and call it good enough.


Thanks for the help!

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