Get host and subcomponents

I have this script and it gets the subcomponents of a family,
but i als want to add the host to the list so output needs to be host and a list with the subcomponents.

tried a few things but not getting what i need

import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

import Revit

items = UnwrapElement(IN[0])

def GetSubComponents(item):
	# FamilyInstances
	if hasattr(item, "GetSubComponentIds"):
		return [item.Document.GetElement(x) for x in item.GetSubComponentIds()]

	else: return []

if isinstance(IN[0], list): OUT = [GetSubComponents(x) for x in items]
else: OUT = GetSubComponents(items)

@Arno_De_Lange is it Ok like this?

if isinstance(IN[0], list): OUT = zip(items,[GetSubComponents(x) for x in items])
else: OUT = [items,GetSubComponents(items)]

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sorry i thought it worked… but i am now also getting the elements that don’t have subfamilies in them…

so if you select three elements and two have nested families in them, we only need those two

@Arno_De_Lange why don’t you filter them out using OOTB nodes?

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Just add a condition to filter within your code.

import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

import Revit

items = UnwrapElement(IN[0])

def GetSubComponents(item):
	# FamilyInstances
	if hasattr(item, "GetSubComponentIds"):
		return [item.Document.GetElement(x) for x in item.GetSubComponentIds()]

	else: return []

result = []

for i in items:
	# Get any SubComponents
	sub = GetSubComponents(i)
	if len(sub) > 0:
		# If SubComponents found add a list item

OUT = result		


Hi all,

I have the same problem.
My inputs are elements from a assembly, I want to retrieve the nested familys and add them to the assembly.

I don’t have control over the count of the nested family, the family is sometime nested onces but sometime it is nested 2 or 3 times.

How can I deal with this?

@jw.vanasselt try the Family.GetNested node from the Orchid package, it will fetch all nested families within project families, most probably you are targetting the Shared nested families, so you can filter these out using the Family Properties node from the GeniusLoci package, with some list structuring I think you can get a list of the parent and nested families.


The orchid need a family document, I found this node: :slight_smile:
this one does the trick

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@jw.vanasselt check this if it works for you:

get Nested(deep).dyn (30.8 KB)

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Thanks! That’s really nice :slight_smile:

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