Get family parameter from family folder

Hi there,

What I’m trying to achive is to get the value of a family parameter from some families in a folder.



Hi, while I suggest @erfajo answers some of this, I can give some info that he told me.

Firstly the “document” outputs should be in series, so that all nodes with “document” are connected.

Secondly, from previous discussions on the Orchid package, I don’t think that FamilyDocumentGetParameter node can take more than one family document at a time. (but it might have been updated recently…)

Still missing sth. Maybe the second thing.



He said to me “it runs only at one document at the time. but you can open several documents at the time…”

Maybe you need to put some sort of loop in there to cycle through the opened documents?

Thks Erik

I’m gonna try
