Hey ppl. @gen
I have Revit 2024.2 version and Dynamo v.2.19.3 version and as package DynamoIronPhyton2.7 2.4.0 and GeniousLoci 2023.7.1
Hi @arincakkin,
Can you provide a stripped sample Revit file with the flloors or walls ?
I have opened a new project and create 2 wall samples with multiple layers. The node worked perfectly. But in my current project, node doesnt work. Do you want me to upload and share whole model as a weblink?
Are you sure the selected wall isn’t a stacked wall or a curtain wall ?
Some of them Curtain wall. I opened new project and transfer all wall types including curtain walls. In the new project the node worked perfect.But didnt work The one i’M working on
If you select one wall manually does it work?